Thursday, March 07, 2019

Dealing With My Depression - Part 1

Maryam | 11:09 AM | | | |

               Being depressed is not a bad thing! We all have moments where we just shut ourselves down, sulk on everything that's going wrong and usually it lasts a day or maybe even a couple days. This is normal! Then there are the severe forms of depression that unfortunately last longer then a couple days. Depression is something we all experience sometime in our life because it's our way of handling everything at once before we can move on.

               Our brains process things in the oddest of ways and not everyone has the same reasonings for their sadness. Researchers say that the reason why people suffer from depression is because of a chemical imbalance in the brain. You either have to much or to little of a chemical they call Neurotransmitters. The explanation and theories on how these neurotransmitters affect the brain and nerves is quite intense. Maybe sometime I might go into a bit so we can all get a better understanding in a "Depression for Dummies" sort of way. Right now doesn't seem to be the right time.

               There are many, I mean many forms of depression. Each and every form of depression reacts differently on the mind and body. Some forms of depression could be:

  • Postpartum Depression
  • Remission Depression
  • Major Depressive Disorder
  • Treatment-Resistant Depression 
  • Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder
  • Bipolar Depression
  • Seasonal Affective Disorder 
  • Substance Induced Mood Disoreder
  • Situational Depression

               That's just a fraction what I listed here. I just wanted to give an idea of some of the depressive disorders out there. When I was diagnosed with depression, they told me that I have Major Depressive Disorder that is in remission. Only reason why it was in remission was because during that time when the psych evaluation was being done, I wasn't depressed. Of course later on depression kicked me dead in the ass and I fell hard. Not as hard as I had many years ago... That's a whole other story right there!

               See, the thing about having remissive depression, especially when it's major depression, it can hit at any time. It's not something that just knocks at your door to warn you it's here. If that were the case, I'd keep the bastard outside and won't let it in. Anything can spark it! Once you find out the triggers and what causes it, it makes things a lot easier as far as managing your depression so that it doesn't spiral downhill and leave you lifeless.

               You're probably wondering what the hell I'm talking about. Don't worry! I will be explaining more to you about what I mean and how self care basically helped me through my depression. I'm not saying that I am cured of it because I sure as hell still have my moments and spurts of depression. That will never leave you, unfortunately. But I have found ways to cope with it so that it doesn't escalate. With the next few posts (not sure how many I will be doing), I will go over my ins and outs of what I've dealt with, what it had causes and more.

So stay tuned! ❤


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