Sunday, September 16, 2012

Dreamfarm Smood Review

Maryam | 10:53 PM | | |

About Dreamfarm:
Dreamfarm has a purpose, and what is their purpose? To solve problems. Dreamfarm has many products that are unique. Their products may look odd, but they work brilliantly. You want to know how they come up with their ideas? Well, for starters, they don't sit around on their behind pondering and sketching new designs. They take each and every product through an exercise making their products a problem solver. For a product to be useful it must be solved with a real problem.

Dreamfarm believes that is is important to have each and every product become useful and important. Sometimes when we don't like something we consider it to be junk. Well, at Dreamfarm, they don't like junk. That is why they agonize over one simple question - will this product solve a real problem that hasn't been solved before? Finding and solving a real problem is at the very heart of everything the people at Dreamfarm do. That is why you won't see anything thing that they have done before by anyone else.

My Review:
Ahhh, the Smood. Smood, Smoooooood. You know, that has a nice kick to it. You are probably wondering what the heck I am talking about, lol. Well, I'm talking about a Smood. Not just any Smood, a Smood that Smoods your world, well, more like your food, lol. Anyways, a Smood is the new potato, avocado, and whatever else it is you smash smasher. It is the new and improved way of smashing your potatoes, but with some added style as well.

Isn't it lovely? The Smood effortlessly creates a smooth mash within seconds by trapping food and forcing it through the thin gaps that you see and by pressing down causing to food to come squeezing through the coils. It also has a soft Multi-grip hand that is ergonomically designed to be held in several comfortable and efficient had positions. There is also a silicone scraper with makes it much easier to clean a pot or a bowl. AND the Smood is also heat resistant to about 260°C/500°F. Sounds lovely, doesn't it =)

 The picture on the left is the Smood and the pot of potatoes. As you can see on the Smood, you have the coils and the scrapper. At first I thought that maybe it wasn't going to work because it looked different. But I put it to the test.

The picture on the right shows the Smood in action. Look at the amazing job it did. I have never seen my potatoes so fricken smooth before, lol. Every time the Smood is pressed into the potatoes you can just see the potatoes oozing out of the coils like butter.

I love using the Smood for pretty much anything that needs to be smashed when I am cooking. And another great thing about this product is that is easy to clean. You don't have to worry about food getting caught anywhere. A great product to have around the house. Here is a video showing you the Smood in action.

Check out Dreamfarm for other amazing products
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Disclaimer:Products were received for free and reviewed by me. I am honest about what I say and I will not say I like something when I do not. I mention products and/or services that I like for my readers. I am giving my opinion based on what I reviewed. 

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